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Science of Economics
This book is the result of 76 years of study on a just system of economics from the viewpoint of human beings living on the Earth rather than the science we see today, which focuses on wealth in its narrowest definition.
Search for Reality
2nd part of Svātmanirūpaṇam by Shankara
Self Discovery
A translation into English of the first part of Svātmanirūpaṇam, a work attributed to the great spiritual teacher Ṥaṅkara
Self Illumination
Sri Shankara's Svatmaprakasika translated by Warwick Jessup
Standing for Justice
Standing for Justice is an account of a man who did just that - to understand the man would be to understand the potency of his message, a message that is all too relevant to the problems of the present age.
Stories from the Mahabharata Parts 1-3
Stories from the Mahabharata parts 1-3 bound togetherA
That is Perfect This is Perfect
Study of the mantra known as The Perfect Prayer
The Eternal Way
Sri Shankaracharya's Sadacaranusandhanam translated by Warwick and Elena Jessup
The Laws of Manu
Ancient work which addresses fundamental questions of law and duty for all members of society.
The Power of Service
Anthology of Passage from sixty-one lectures by Leon MacLaren
The Teaching of Reality
The 'first translation into English' of Tattvopadesha, a work attributed to the great spiritual teacher Sankara.
There's No More Dying Then
A retired doctor has sought to come to terms with the mystery that is death
What Am I?
A translation into English of the third part of Svātmanirūpaṇam, a work attributed to the great spiritual teacher Śaṅkara.
When Philosophers Rule
This is the first English translation of the Renaissance philosopher-priest Marsilio Ficino's commentaries on two of Plato's most influential dialogues on good government.
School of Economic Science, 11 Mandeville Place, London W1U 3AJ - Charity numbers: 313115 and SC039950 - Tel: 020 7034 4000

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