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A Hundred and Ten Sonnets and A Lover's Consent
Sonnets by a skilled wordsmith and lover of Shakespeare
Advancement of Civilisation in the Western World  Vols 1-3
The Rise of Egyptian, Graeco-Roman and Christian civilisations and their philosophy
All Things Natural
All Things Natural is not a new translation of the Timaeus, but a commentary on it.
Commentaries on the Laws of England
Extracts from Commentaries on the Laws of England
Consider England
What is it that makes England English? What are the quintessentially English qualities?
Conversations and Correspondence with Maharaja Sri Vasudevananda Sarasvati
Volume 7 in the series of Conversations
Cultural Cycles and Climate Change
A nine-step action plan from More Quiet Time to A Good Life
A Practical guide to the use of Dialectic in the search for wisdom
Essence of Vedanta
The Essence of Vedanta examines existential philosophy from the viewpoint of the Veda, the most ancient and sacred of Indian scriptures
Ever More Shall Be So
Offers for the first time an English translation of Ficino’s discerning insights into one of Plato's most important and controversial works, the Timaeus.
Fate of Empires
Two essays: the Fate of Empires and Search for Survival; the second written in response to the vast amount of correspondence that the first essay generated
Firm Foundation
A sound constitution, a good character, and a well-furnished mind are in the experience of the author the essential foundations for a full and useful life.
Function of Economics
‘Is any study simpler than economics? A child could grasp it…‘. Transcript of a 1952 lecture by Leon MacLaren at the Royal Society of Arts.
Further Wisdom from Maharaja Sri Santananda
Volume 6 in the series of conversations with Maharaja Sri Santananda Saraswati
Golden Thread
This is a book to restore hope to a world in which unpredictable change and unrest breed concern about the future.
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